I'm trying to efficiently find all neighboring faces of a given face. I'm taking a sly approach, but I wonder if can be improved upon.
The approach I've taken so far is to create a data structure after my mesh geometry is created. I build a hash of arrays to map vertices to the faces that are comprised of them:
var vertexToFace = [];
function crossReference(g) {
for (var fx = 0; fx < g.faces.length; fx++) {
vertexToFace[fx] = new Array();
for (var fx = 0; fx < g.faces.length; fx++) {
var f = g.faces[fx];
var ax = f.a;
var bx = f.b;
var cx = f.c;
Now that I have the hash of arrays, I can retrieve a given face's neighbors:
var neighbors = [];
neighbors.push( vertexToFace(face.a), vertexToFace(face.b), vertexToFace(face.c) );
This works fine, but I'm wondering if its over-kill. I know that each face in geometry.faces contains members a,b,c that are indices into geometry.vertices.
I don't believe the reverse information is stored, although, tantalizingly, each vertex in geometry.vertices does have the member .index, but it doesn't seem to correspond to faces.
Am I missing something obvious?