
i tried different ways to solve this problem but all doesn't work:

trial 1: 05_compile_the_translation: command: "python manage.py compilemessages" leader_only: true

it said i have not installed the gettext software in the server. how to do it? i logged in the elastic beanstalk instance via ssh already. but i can't find any files there?

trial 2: added the django .mo files into the git repo and deploy all of them to the website server. with this setting in django:

LOCALE_PATHS = ( 'locale', os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '../../../locale'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '../../locale'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '../locale'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'locale'), )

but it doesn't work as well.

any luck? thx


1 Answers


Ok i found my issue and fixed it. My issue was for the directory name in the locale folder. i used fr_CH and fr_FR and it doesn't work! u have to use fr_Fr and fr_Ch to be the directory name!

i hope it will save some ppl a lot of time.