after getting request from ajax to controller i am not able to move to next page through ModelAndView("/authenticationError.jsp"); controller code
@RequestMapping(value = "/ProcessReject,method = RequestMethod.POST" )
public ModelAndView Reject(@RequestParam(value = "StatusComments") String StatusComments,
@RequestParam(value = "ruleIndex") String ruleIndex,
@RequestParam(value = "country") String country,
HttpSession session) throws Exception {
ModelAndView mav ;
System.out.println("StatusComments "+ StatusComments);
System.out.println("ruleIndex "+ ruleIndex);
System.out.println("country "+ country);
String quicklookid = (String) session.getAttribute("quicklookid");
//rejectRuleBusinessLogic.reject(ruleIndex, country, quicklookid, StatusComments);
mav = new ModelAndView("/authenticationError.jsp");
return mav;
Ajax code
function showRejectStatusMsg(value1, value2)
type: "POST",
cache: false,
url: "ProcessViewRule.ncr",
data:"ruleIndex=" +value1 +"&country="+value2,
success: function(response) {
error : function(e) {
alert('Error in response...' + e);
jsp code -
<a href="javascript:showRejectStatusMsg(<c:out value='${List.ruleindex}'/>, '<c:out value="${}"/>')" id="rejectLink" class="navlink" >Reject</a>))