I need to get the captions of all images that I upload in the gallery with redux.
This is the code in theme options with redux framework: https://docs.reduxframework.com/core/fields/gallery/
I tried to show the captions on a WordPress site with this code (only for testing):
$attachmentIds = explode(',', $redux_demo['opt-gallery']);
foreach($attachmentIds as $attachmentId):
$metaAttachment = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachmentId );
echo '<pre>';
print_r( $metaAttachment );
echo '</pre>';
But, this code returns me [caption] => (empty)
Array( [width] => 330 [height] => 180 [file] => 2015/10/330x1805.jpg [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [file] => 330x1805-150x150.jpg [width] => 150 [height] => 150 [mime-type] => image/jpeg ) [medium] => Array ( [file] => 330x1805-300x164.jpg [width] => 300 [height] => 164 [mime-type] => image/jpeg ) ) [image_meta] => Array ( [aperture] => 0 [credit] => [camera] => [caption] => [created_timestamp] => 0 [copyright] => [focal_length] => 0 [iso] => 0 [shutter_speed] => 0 [title] => [orientation] => 0 ) )
The caption field has a value, but it seems the redux does not save the information or my code is wrong?