
I'm debugging PHP 5.2.9 and everything works fine, but today during debugging I see that gdb don't stop when I set:

(gdb) break lstat

the breakpoint is in the list

(gdb) info breakpoints
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x00002aaaaf810ea0 

but, as written before, during execution gdb don't stop when lstat function is called. Note that I'm sure that lstat is called by PHP engine because I can see the call using strace.

Please help me, what's wrong with gdb?


2 Answers


Try to set catchpoint on lstat syscall

(gdb) catch syscall lstat
Catchpoint 1 (syscall 'lstat' [107])

You will need gdb 7.0 or above


strace is showing you that PHP is calling the system call lstat, however your breakpoint is actually on the library function lstat(). It's possible that it's a different library call that is directly calling the lstat system call.

What does ltrace show?