
I am trying to find the following element and enter text into it. I have tried a number of different ways to access the element but always get the same error. My current line of code

searchTerm = driver.FindElement(By.Id("keyword"));

generates the same error

Unable to locate element: {"method":"id","selector":"keyword"}

The element, shown below, clearly has the Id 'keyword'.

<input maxlength="100" size="20" value="" name="keyword" id="keyword" title="keyword" class="FORMshrt2">

I used firebug to capture the complete XPath for this element.


How do I access this element?

I need to add that adding a wait period is not the answer. I have stepped through the program and waited until the page is completely loaded and I have verified manually that the element exists. I still cannot get the program to find this element. I also know that there are iframes on the page, but changing which iframe I am referencing doesn't seem to help either.JWJ
Is this element visible on the page? Selenium will only interact with visible elements by design.JeffC
Check if your element is within an iframe. If it is, try this solution: stackoverflow.com/a/9652932/2285470iamkenos

3 Answers


Try closing tag input with /> like explained here.

<input maxlength="100" size="20" value="" name="keyword" id="keyword" title="keyword" class="FORMshrt2" />

I don't know if Selenium expects this closing tag, but everything else look ok.


The element might not have appeared at the moment you've started looking for it. Wait for the element to become present in the DOM:

IWebElement element = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeOut)).Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementExists((By.Id("keyword"))));

Use wait statement then try the below code

you can just try the following code, which may help for your case,


driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[@class='FORMshrt2']")).SendKeys("your text");

By using your class name i'm identifying the element, first clicking on it and then passing the string.