How would you allow multiple viewmodels to share the same model?
I'm creating the viewmodels in an ApplicationViewModel that is used for switching between views using a DataTemplate with the selected VM.
public ApplicationViewModel()
//Add pages
BasePageViewModels.Add("Home Page", new HomeViewModel());
BasePageViewModels.Add("Summary Page", new SummaryViewModel());
BasePageViewModels.Add("AddTestRun Page", new AddTestRunViewModel());
//some code here
CurrentBasePageViewModel = BasePageViewModels["Home Page"];
I want to be able to access the same Data class from within each of the created VM's. Ideally I'd pass in the Data class to each ViewModel with a parameter but that then causes setting DataContex within XAML to throw an error because the DataContext has no accessible constructors.
I'm setting the DataContext in the other Views like so:
but doing that creates a new instance of the ViewModel, rather than using the one bound to CurrentBasePageViewModel