While mporting the Content/Metadata from ORchard CMS 1.9.1 to earlier version 1.7, whenever I export the Widgets, There is an error thrown as seen below:
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
Line 20: @if (count > 0) {
Line 21: int i = 0;
Line 22: foreach (WidgetPart widget in widgets.Where(w => w.Zone == zone).OrderBy(w => w.Position, new Orchard.UI.FlatPositionComparer())) {
Line 23: <li class="widgets-@(widget.LayerId == Model.CurrentLayer.Id ? "this" : "other")-layer [email protected]@(i == 0 ? " first" : (i == count ? " last" : ""))">
Line 24: @using (Html.BeginFormAntiForgeryPost()) {
Source File: e:\inetpub\wwwroot\TestWebsite\Modules\Orchard.Widgets\Views\WidgetPlacement.Zones.cshtml Line: 22
whenever i export any of my widgets this error happens. Can you please help me understand the stepss to export Widgets ? What else i need to export before exporting Widgets ?