the way I would do it is the following:
You need a starting node from where on you will query the next 7 nodes. To be able to find the very first 7 nodes I would introduce a starting root node. Lets call it simply :Root .
MATCH (:Root)-[r:NEXT*1..7]->(x)<-[]-(y) RETURN x, y
or even simpler:
MATCH (:Root)-[r:NEXT*..7]->(x)<-[]-(y) RETURN x, y
:Root of course could be any other node in your set, to get the next seven nodes from there on.
Is this what you want?
Take a further look at the following neo4j cheat sheet, which has some great tips:
Ok sorry, I misunderstood you.
Maybe this brings you further:
MATCH (n:Node) where n.refId in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
MATCH (n2:Node) where n2.refId in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
MATCH p=shortestPath((q)-[:NEXT*]-(q2))
return collect(distinct p)
or if those numbers are node IDs than like this:
MATCH (n:Node) where id(n) in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
MATCH (n2:Node) where id(n2) in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
MATCH p=shortestPath((q)-[:NEXT*]-(q2))
return collect(distinct p)
This actually returns all the paths between the given nodes as a collection.
So it doesn't return a single path for all those nodes.
I am not aware of a function doing that.
However the neo4j browser displays just a single path between all those nodes desired, because of it's auto complete function. So I think you would have to build your own logic in code, if you want to connect those paths to a single one.
Maybe this is at least a starting point for the problem