I have integrated paypal-adaptive-payment-delayed-chained-payments in my Rails Application and there will Primary receiver hold whole amount and sender can cancel the product and refund the amount.
I am using paypal sandbox
account for testing but getting "refund_status"=>"NO_API_ACCESS_TO_RECEIVER"
this after call refund and paypal success is true
so I am confusing what that mean, as I know in sandbox paypal provide full access
log is:
{"response_envelope"=>{"timestamp"=>"2015-10-06T22:55:49.604-07:00", "ack"=>"Success", "correlation_id"=>"9f0f563554297", "build"=>"17820627"}, "currency_code"=>"USD", "refund_info_list"=>{"refund_info"=>[{"receiver"=>{"amount"=>"60.00", "email"=>"[email protected]"}, "refund_status"=>"NO_API_ACCESS_TO_RECEIVER"}]}}
Please let me know where I am doing wrong