
I have TableView with 4 columns. When I enlarge width of main window, I needed enlarge first column width too.

Older way (non QML) was:

QTableView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Stretch );

Now I do something like example bellow, but this is not exactly perfect.

  1. When I resize some column, this construction stop working. All columns stay in actual state and stop resizing when main window change his size.
  2. When I add new columns in future (forgot rewrite this codeine) or add some columns dynamically, this stop working too.

QML file: :

TableView {  

     id: ccPanel  
     model: ccModel
    TableViewColumn {
        id: ccName
        role: "name"
        title: "Name"
        width: ccPanel.width - ccSize.width - ccDate.width
    TableViewColumn {
        id: ccSize
        role: "size"
        title: "Size"
        width: 60
    TableViewColumn {
        id: ccDate
        role: "Date"
        title: "Datum"
        width: 85

Do you know how to help me?

If you set resizable as false those error should be fixed. But I don't know if the user should be able to resize columns or not.Tarod
No, this settings disable change column size by mouse.exo

3 Answers


To eliminate strange resizing, make the last column non-resizable manually and use the widthChanged signals of the columns as well as the signal from the TabView. The following code produces a behavior very close to the Qt TableView header.

    id: ccPanel
    model: ccModel
    anchors.fill: parent
    onWidthChanged:ccName.width = Math.max(100, ccPanel.width - ccSize.width - ccDate.width)

        id: ccName
        role: "name"
        title: "Name"
        onWidthChanged: ccDate.width = Math.max(60, ccPanel.width - ccSize.width - ccName.width)
        id: ccSize
        role: "size"
        title: "Size"
        width: 60
        onWidthChanged: ccDate.width = Math.max(85, ccPanel.width - ccSize.width - ccName.width)
        resizable: false
        id: ccDate
        role: "Date"
        title: "Datum"
        width: 85

Well, there is one solution I can think of, but it ain't pretty:

Basically, you have to do manual column management, keep track of all current columns in an array, and each time you add, remove or resize a column, you must execute a function that generates the bindings for the column width dynamically:

column.height = Qt.binding(function() { return property_evaluating_expressions })

If i thing, here we are. In this time it's not perfect, but it's solution. I respond to the event resizing the main window. Not perfect, because not contain actual NAME size. Sometime during enlarging name jups to new value irrationally.


        id: ccPanel
        property var oldWidth: ccPanel.width
        model: ccModel

            var newWidth = ccName.width + (ccPanel.oldWidth - ccName.width - ccDate.width - ccSize.width);
            if(newWidth > 19)
                ccName.width = newWidth
            ccPanel.oldWidth = ccPanel.width;
