I was searching for my question for hours and I have found some ideas but it still doesn't do what I want.
I have a form "AddWorker" with texboxes "Name", "Surname" and so on. At the end of this form I decided to use a button to handle addition to database by VBA code.
When I put some data into texboxes I can refer to them by textbox.text property, but only if I am focused on this texbox. In other cases I can use textbox.value property.
In my case when I put all data into 3 textboxes I clik button "Add worker" to add person to database, but last textbox (for example 3) is seen as empty because it did't see text I have put into textbox. I need to clik into another textbox (for example 2 or 1) to create "some event" and then it update textbox 3 and all data can be read in vBA.
What can I do to see all texboxes filled in VBA when i click "Add worker" button.
I have found some example but it didn't help me a lot. I still see empty textbox while clicking "Add worker" button. Textbox null problem