
I'm trying to use Azure Active Directory to authenticate users. I also want Microsoft Accounts (@live.com, @outlook.com, etc.) to be able to sign in to my application.

When I sign in with an AAD user, my application gets a Claim Value back from the login.onmicrosoft.com screen with the user's email address as the claim ([email protected]).

When I sign in with a Microsoft Account user that I've added to my AAD, it returns a Claim Value of "live.com#[email protected]" which is perfect.

However, I also want random people to be able to sign in, not just users I add to my active directory. I want anyone to be able to sign in with their Microsoft Account, and it should give me the claim value so that I can create an account for them in my application.

Is there any way to allow these users to log in to my application?


1 Answers


you have 2 options:

  • Add the MSA OWIN individual auth middleware alongside the OpenId Connect one
  • If you want to experiment, we are integrating that feature in a future version of Azure AD: http://aka.ms/aadconvergence