
So I'm using Github to host a modified version of Bootstrap for a project (we are compiling just the parts of Bootstrap we need). I'm also using JSPM as the means of which I download the Github project into my local project.

My dilemma is that that when I make a new release, and use JSPM to install the modified version of bootstrap, it brings down a clone of the project, and the dist folder does not contain any files.

Now, if I were to use JSPM to download the main version of bootstrap from Github, I have no problem. So I'm obviously doing something wrong with the release.
How can I have JSPM just bring down the compiled dist folder from Github?

The Repo is: https://github.com/Softdocs/bootstrap


1 Answers


You have overridden the files list of the original bootstrap by defining another set of files under the jspm key of the package.json. In particular, you don't list the dist folder in there. So when you install the package via jspm, it installs only files/folders called css, fonts, js. Because the main property refers to a file within the dist folder, you have to include the dist folder too. So just add dist to the list of files defined in jspm attribute of the package.json here: https://github.com/Softdocs/bootstrap/blob/master/package.json#L89

I have tested your package using the following override:

"overrides": {
  "github:Softdocs/[email protected]": {
    "main": "./dist/js/npm",
    "files": [

And the dist folder was downloaded successfully.