
We are using TeamCity 9 and we have defined build configuration looks like:

          --> unit tests ---------|
          ^                       ˇ
compile ->+-> integration tests ->+--> deploy
          ˇ                       ^
          --> acceptance tests ---|

Dependencies between build are defined as Snapshot dependency (documentation). All tests builds are running in parallel, but I need to define order because integration test needs more time than others so it'll be good to run this test build first.

It's possible to define order or priorities for each build in chain?

Do these really compete against each other? I'd think that each runs on a different agent (set of agents), isn't that the case?sferencik
You have right, my example was bad. I have a pool of agents and my goal is define order of parallel builds, e.g. integration tests execute first, acceptance tests second and unit tests as last. Each build can run on all agents - agents have same configuration.Rudis
@Rudis , I have this same question, did you ever find a way to do this?Ojen

1 Answers


Order of builds (waiting mechanism) can be managed by using the build feature named shared resources.

See page @ Jetbrains ::: https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD9/Shared+Resources