I added some plugins to my profile.clj. When I start a new repl they are downloaded correctly to my .m2/repository directory
, but I'm unable to (use '...)
them, because this is throwing a FileNotFoundException
. So how can I use these plugins in a default repl outside of a project?
- Win 7
- clojure 1.7
- leiningen 2.5.3
user=> (use 'hiccup.core)
FileNotFoundException Could not locate hiccup/core...
Same with fresh downloaded Incanter 1.9.0
I know that there're a couple of questions with this error, but all in the context of projects, not for a default repl. Or can I only use plugins in a project repl?
Thanks in advance!
Here my profiles.clj
:java-cmd "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_25\\bin\\java.exe"
:plugins [
[cider/cider-nrepl "0.8.1"]
[incanter "1.9.0"]
[hiccup "1.0.5"]