I'm using TypeScript (1.6) with node under the --harmony flag, so I'd like to transpile the es6 module syntax to commonjs.
From what I can tell, I can't do this with TypeScript 1.6. If I set my target to es6, and module to commonjs, I get a TypeScript error -
Cannot compile modules into 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system' or 'umd' when targeting 'ES6' or higher.
Why won't TypeScript compile to commonjs with an ES6 target? I imagine a lot people want to do this since node doesn't support ES6 modules yet.
I'd thought the new moduleResolution compiler option might solve this issue, but it doesn't appear to do anything.
Currently, I'm having to use babel just to transpile the module syntax to commonjs, but I'd like to remove babel from my builds so I can take advantage of source maps.
Is there a way I can achieve this? NOTE: I do not want to transpile to ES5. I want my JS running as ES6 under the harmony flag. Thanks!
flag can compile classes? – Paleo