I'm attempting to translate some C++ DX11 Direct3d height-map code into Delphi. I'm at at a stage where I have almost the entire code translated across without any compile errors or run-time errors however I cannot for the life of me get anything to render on-screen - which I believe may be a vertex/pixel shader issue.
The code I'm translating across is here:
And I'm using the JSB DirectX11 interface libraries from here:
I know that the Direct3D subsystem is working correctly as I am able to alter the color of the background of the render surface however, I just do not get any polygons rendered on the display.
There is quite a lot of code which I'm unable to upload here so for convenience, here's a copy of my source (without any object files/binaries)
Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be many Delphi DX11 or D3D examples on the internet so I have nothing to benchmark the code against.
I'd be eternally grateful if anyone could offer any pointers as to what may be the issue. Like I say, the code compiles and runs without any errors but just nothing is rendered.
Thanks in advance, Kevin