Trying to reposition a camera on a three.js globe I have a list of countries that when clicked on return the country's lat and lon. I've checked these and am pretty sure thats what is being passed to the code below. So I click on the country and the camera moves to the new position, but it is inside the surface of the globe. Its under the correct country so I have to zoom out. This is the code I am using the radius of the globe is held in the var globeRadius (just in case that wasn't really obvious).
var phi = cameraTarget[0].lat * Math.PI / 180;
var theta = (cameraTarget[0].lon + 90) * Math.PI / 180;
posX = globeRadius * Math.cos(phi) * Math.sin(theta);
posY = globeRadius * Math.sin(phi);
posZ = globeRadius * Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(theta);
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0));
I'm 'm guessing I have to incorporate the cameras height above the globe in some way. These are my initial camera settings
var FOV = 45;
var NEAR = 2;
var FAR = 4000;
// setup a camera that points to the center
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(FOV,width/height,NEAR,FAR);
camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0));
Do I need to add the width/height to the globalradius first for example. If anyone could tell me a nice transition method that would be helpful also, thanks