my problem is that liquibase is not rolling back some of my changesets that have been executed after a tag was set on the change set i am trying to rollback too.
For example I have created two changesets (A and B) which execute as normal. and then i have created another changeset which sets the tag of changeset B to release1. and this changeset also works as expected. however i then execute another 5 changesets all with rollback commands. and these also execute fine.
Now the problem comes when i run the following:
java -jar liquibase.jar --changeLogFile=..\database\changelog-create.xml rollback release1
Now shouldn't this rollback any changesets that were executed after the release1 tag was executed?
If so, this is my problem, they are not being rolled back. but in console i get Rollback was successful.
to your command line) and see if that gives more details... – Jens