
I have followed AWS guide to expand the 8GB volume to 16GB.

What I have done is:

  1. Take snapshot of 8GB volume
  2. Create new 16GB volume by the snapshot
  3. Detach 8GB volume from EC2 instance, then attach 16GB volume to that EC2 instance

After that, df -h:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1       16G   11G  5.3G  67% /

Why the Used size increase to 11G? It should be 8G.

There is no intrinsic reason why this would happen.Michael - sqlbot
seems the resize is successful, are there any new logs generated to fill the space quickly?BMW
@BMW: I checked /var/log, nothing strange.a developer

1 Answers


While the disk is 'bigger', the partition has not yet been extended to cover the new disk space.

Use sudo resize2fs /dev/xvda1 to extend the disk partition to include the additional space on the disk.

See: Extending a Linux File System on that same page.