As I understand it, kube-proxy runs on every Kubernetes node (it is started on Master and on the Worker nodes)
If I understand correctly, it is also the 'recommended' way to access the API (see:
So, since kube-proxy is already running on every node, is the 'recommended' way to start each pod with a new kube-proxy container in it, or is it possible to 'link' somehow to the running kube-proxy container?
Originally I was using the URL with $KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and the credentials passed as a Secret, on GKE, calling
curl https://$USER:$PASSWORD@${KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST}/api/v1/namespaces/${NAMESPACE}/endpoints/${SELECTOR}
and parsing the results, but on K8s deployed on a CoreOS cluster I only seem to be able to authenticate through TLS and certs and the linked proxy seems like a better way.
So, I'm looking for the most efficient / easiest way to connect to the API from a pod to look up the IP of another pod referred to by a Service.
Any suggestion/input?