I'm trying to get the row object, in my case of class Story.class, while reordering a row in a primefaces datable. The indexes, which I get from a ReorderEvent, unfortunately are not enough since I have more then one datatable where I would like to reuse the same rowReorder listener.
Here some code fragments:
<p:ajax event="rowReorder"
listener="#{reorderStoryView.onRowReorder}" />
The following code line returns null:
Story story2 = context.getApplication().
evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{story}", Story.class);
The following code line returns not the current rowData, have problems to determine which row data I get:
Story story =(Story)((DataTable)event.getComponent()).getRowData();
Can't find any additional information about this problem, maybe you can help me out.
Thx in advance