What do I have to write on Podfile to launch my application on both ios8, ios9 devices?
In the Podfile, if I write
platform :ios, '9.0'
It will crash when I launch the application on ios8 device:
dyld: Symbol not found: ___NSArray0__ Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/CFE-45CC-429B-88E7-52E123/MYAPP.app/MYAPP Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation in /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/CAFE-45CC-429B-88E7-52212593/MYAPP.app/MYAPP
Note: I am using XCode7.1 Beta, Objective-C, CocoaPod 0.38.0
platform :ios, '8.0'
– u.gen7.0
, it works fine with ios 9 devices as well. However there are other issues with pods introduced with xcode 7- ios 9 that we had to resolveplatform :ios, '7.0'
remains the same in our podfiles.... – u.gen