
I'm downloading a theme from Sharepoint 2010 and uploading it in site themes in Sharepoint 2013. But, I'm unable to see it in "Look and Feel".

How to do it ?

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2 Answers


Have tried themes creation steps for Sharepoint 2013 :

To add a composed look

  1. Choose the Settings icon, and then choose Site settings.
  2. Under Web Designer Galleries, choose Composed looks.
  3. In the Composed Looks list, select new item.
  4. In the Title text box, enter a title for the design
  5. In the Name text box, enter a name for the design. The name appears in the Composed Looks list and in the design gallery.
  6. In the Master Page URL text box, enter the URL of the master page. The URL can be a relative URL.
  7. In the Theme URL text box, enter the URL of the color palette (the URL to the . spcolor file). The URL can be a relative URL.
  8. In the Image URL text box, enter the URL of the background image. This is optional. The URL can be a relative URL.
  9. In the Font Scheme URL text box, enter the URL of the font scheme (the URL to the .spfont file). This is optional. The URL can be a relative URL.
  10. In the Display Order text box, enter the display order number. This determines where the design appears in the design gallery.
  11. Choose Save.




thanks for your answer . I found something that says we can't export themes from SP2010 to SP2013 because SharePoint 2013 does not support “THMX” Themes that are Created in SharePoint 2010. If you are looking to migrate a Custom Theme from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013, you would have to re-design the Theme with new structure, defined by XML files – SPColor.xml and SPFont.xml and then apply to the new SharePoint 2013 site.

