Your question seems self-defeating -- you can't have subscriptions of varying amounts without creating the corresponding plans!
The simplest way to handle recurring donations of varying amounts would be to create one plan per donator. For instance, you could do something like this:
plan = Stripe::Plan.create(
:amount => params[:amount],
:currency => 'usd',
:interval => 'month',
:name => 'Donation plan for #{params[:stripeEmail]}',
:id => 'plan_#{params[:stripeEmail]}'
customer = Stripe::Customer.create(
:source => params[:stripeToken],
:email => params[:stripeEmail],
:plan =>
If you wish to avoid creating unnecessary plans, you could simply check if an appropriate plan already exists. The simplest way to do so would be to use a naming convention that includes the amount. For instance:
plan_id = '#{params[:amount]}_monthly'
plan = Stripe::Plan.retrieve(plan_id)
rescue Stripe:: InvalidRequestError => e
plan = Stripe::Plan.create(
:amount => params[:amount],
:currency => 'usd',
:interval => 'month',
:name => "$#{'%.02f' % (params[:amount] / 100.0)} / month donation plan",
:id => plan_id
(Note that in both these examples, I assumed that params[:amount]
would be the donation's amount, as an integer in cents.)