I am presenting a modal view controller using UIPresentationController. I am setting the frame of presentedView less than the containView's bounds using following method:
override func frameOfPresentedViewInContainerView() -> CGRect {
let myDX = (self.containerView!.bounds.width - 600)/2
let myDY = (self.containerView!.bounds.height - 600)/2
return self.containerView!.bounds.insetBy(dx: myDX, dy: myDY)
Everything works great unto this point.
Now, I present another view controller modally (default not custom) on top of the currently displayed modal view controller which takes up the entire screen. So, I have a custom modal view controller underneath the default modal view controller that covers the entire screen.
The problem is when I dismiss the top view controller thats covering the entire screen, my custom view controller shows up covering the entire screen as well. I want my custom view controller's size to remain the same (smaller than containerView). Is there any way that I can achieve this.
Any help would be appreciated
instead ofcurrentContext
– Maximilian Litteral