I have 2 given matrices
a1 <- matrix(c(0.4092951, 0.1611806, 0.4283178, 0.001206529), nrow =
a2 <- matrix(c(0.394223557, 0.140443266, 0.463980790, 0.001352387),
nrow = 1)
I have an initial matrix
b <- matrix(c(0.4095868, 0.1612955, 0.4286231, 0.0004946572,
0, 0.2732351, 0.7260891, 0.0006757670,
0, 0, 0.9909494, 0.0090505527,
0, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 4, byrow = T)
I need to update 'b' such that
a1 %*% b = a2
The above is an optimization problem where the objective function is to minimize
(a1 %*% b - a2)
which would drive the value of the sum(absolute value(a1 %*% b - a2)) to zero, subject to the constraints:
Lower triangle(b) = 0 ;
RowSum(b) = 1
## creating a data vector with a1 and a2
data = c(as.numeric(a1), as.numeric(a2))
## objective function
min_obj <- function(p){
## Creating a matrix to recreate 'b'
p1 <- matrix(rep(0, 16), nrow = 4)
k = 1
for(i in 1:nrow(p1)){
for (j in 1:ncol(p1)){
if(j >= i){
p1[i,j] <- p[k]
k = k+1
actual <- matrix(data[1:(length(data)/2)], nrow = 1)
pred <- matrix(data[(length(data)/ 2 + 1):length(data)], nrow = 1)
s <- (actual %*% p1) - pred
## Initializing the initial values for b taking only non-zero values
init <- b[b>0]
opt <- optim(init, min_obj, control = list(trace = T), method =
"L-BFGS-B", lower = rep(0, length(init)), upper = rep(1,
transformed_b <- matrix(rep(0, 16), nrow = 4)
k = 1
for(i in 1:nrow(transformed_b)){
for (j in 1:ncol(transformed_b)){
if(j >= i){
transformed_b[i,j] <- opt$par[k]
k = k+1
The issue with transformed_b is that rowSum of the matrix is not 1. Any help is highly appreciated.