i really really need your help. I'm successfully setting up a connection to my ftp server. However I can't figure out how I can download a dynamic file from my server. I guess this would help a lot of other people as well cause i couldn't find a tutorial or explanation anywhere on the web.
I'm simply listing all of my files on my ftp. If i click on one i call download.php which connects again to the server and should download the file to my harddrive. I was able to auto-prompt a download window and a file gets downloaded to my hdd. however only a damaged file where no headers are set.
/* path to files on ftp server … e.g. /folder/folder/name_of_file.jpg */
$p_arr = explode("/", $path);
/* the file name … e.g name_of_file.jpg */
$file = end($p_arr);
//$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); //returns a fatal error - function not found
//$mimetype = finfo_file($finfo, $file);
/* creating a temporyry file to save to */
$tempFile = tempnam("/tmp", "FOO");
if(ftp_get($conn_id, $tempFile, $file, FTP_BINARY)){
/*header Content-type: must be dynamic*/
//header('Content-type:' . $mimetype);
/*header to auto_prompt download window*/
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. $file .'"');
} else {
echo "There was a problem <br>";
echo $file . "<br>"; //e.g. image.jpg
/* deleting the file after the process */
1.) i can't figure out why ftp_get returns false. The connection gets set up and the file exists in the right directory. 2.) i don't know how i can find out the mimetype of the file on the server and give it the downloaded file, so it's not damaged.
please help me out here, i'm really stuck. thank you in advance