I'm trying to figure out how to realize the HUD interface for my brand new game. I wanted to create it by using the scene2d.ui set of widgets because I've heard that it's more suitable for a responsive UI. So, I'm trying to create a simple HUD in which there's a score Label aligned at the top-right side of the screen and a pause Button placed on the top-left side of the screen.
Now... I'm using a root Table (as explained in the Table guide https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Table#quickstart) that fills the stage.
I wanted to create a custom class for handling all the hud interface such as:
public class Hud extends Table{
private Label scoreLabel;
private Button pauseButton;
public Hud(){
BitmapFont font = (BitmapFont) MyGame.assetManager.get(Constants.COUNTERS_FONT_NAME);
LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle(font,Color.WHITE);
scoreLabel = new Label("score:0", labelStyle);
The issue I'm fighting with is the following: the text inside the Label does not stay inside the Label. I mean: activating the debug mode I can see the rectangle representing the Label with the correct dimensions...but the text is completely out of bounds and does not scale.
As you can see the font I use is a BitmapFont that is generated when the Game starts via the library FreeTypeFont...The font is then added to the AssetsManager of the game.
I post the code I use for adding the font generator to the assets manager:
//Register the FreeTypeFontGeneratorLoader
InternalFileHandleResolver resolver = new InternalFileHandleResolver();
assetManager.setLoader(FreeTypeFontGenerator.class, new FreeTypeFontGeneratorLoader(resolver));
assetManager.setLoader(BitmapFont.class, ".ttf", new FreetypeFontLoader(resolver));
//Load fonts
FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter countersFontParameters = new FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter();
countersFontParameters.fontFileName = Constants.BASE_FONT_NAME;
countersFontParameters.fontParameters.size = 45;
countersFontParameters.fontParameters.borderColor = Color.BLACK;
countersFontParameters.fontParameters.borderWidth = 1;
assetManager.load(Constants.COUNTERS_FONT_NAME, BitmapFont.class, countersFontParameters);
As you can see I load just one BitmapFont with a size of 45 pixels.
I don't know what the problem is; I would like to try with a classic BitmapFont .fnt in order to see if the problem is in the way the BitmapFont is generated but I'd also like to keep the FreeTypeFont solution.
Thanks in advance,
One thing about the Stage... it uses a ScalingViewport so the dimensions are not in pixels but in virtual units (because my Game uses Box2d and I need a common unit both for the rendering and the physic simulation).