
I am using yii2 gridview, and i have a field named description which contains all rich html text with style and format.

Now i know how to display that data in gridview and I can limit the character to be displayed in grid for that column as well

But i have 2 problems now

1) I used a function in value property to truncate data so i lost ability to search from description. So how can I truncate text and be able to search in that column as well Here is code I used

    'format' => 'html',
    'label' => 'Description',
    'value' => function ($dataProvider) {
        $url = $dataProvider->description;
        return BaseStringHelper::truncateWords($url,30,null,true);

2)This does solve the primary problem but after i use that method i have problem with displaying images in the gridview column. I want to trim the img tag if any from description data and display data in gridview and be able to search as well

I hope you guys understand my question. Let me know what can i do

Thank you


1 Answers


1) cant you just make one extra data column in your DB table, then do:

$formattedDesc = BaseStringHelper::truncateWords($url,30,null,true);
$model->formattedDescription = $formattedDesc;

when you are importing data to your db, to fetch data. This you would normally display data from that cell into your gridView.


to be able to search again, just add

'attribute' => 'your column name',

You will probably need to bind your new attribute into your search model

  ->andFilterWhere(['like or = /// etc.','columnt that you want to search   in//',
$this->getAttribute('attribute name')]);

/* be aware that the search will be made with data from "db column", and that db column data will be displayed ( with your formatted value )

To add custom attributes to your search model:

public function attributes() {
    return array_merge(parent::attributes(), ['customAttribute']);

public function rules(){
    return [
           [['customAttribute'], 'safe'],