I have two unidirectional core.async
channels :
- channel out can only
- channel in can only
And since this is ClojureScript the blocking operations are not available. I would like to make one bidirectional (in-out) channel out of those two (in and out).
(def in (async/chan))
(def out (async/chan))
(def in-out (io-chan in out)) ;; io or whatever the solution is
(async/put! in "test")
(async/take! ch (fn [x] (println x))) ;; should print "test"
(async/put! ch) ;; put into ch is equivalent to putting into `out`
I tried something like the following (not working) :
(defn io-chan [in-ch out-ch]
(let [io (chan)]
(go-loop []
(>! out-ch (<! io ))
(>! io (<! in-ch))
A schema might help :
out in-out
---------------> (unused)
<--------------- <---------------
----------------> ---------------->
<---------------- (unused)
Also, closing the bidirectional channel should close both underlying channels.
Is is possible ?