
I'm trying to use IntelliJ Ultimate's built-in REST Client to test some web services over SSL. However, because the REST services are looking for a client certificate, I'm getting the following error when I try to hit the endpoint:

javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure

I've scoured the documentation and haven't found a way to attach a certificate (.p12 file, in my case) to the call. It would be the same file I've uploaded into my browser to facilitate the SSL calls. Maybe there's a different way to do this that I'm not aware of? I'm not an expert in this area.


Those are server certificates, not the client certificates. Thanks anyway.MegaMatt
Did you every figure this out?b3verelabs
No, I never did. Still a big pain to have to use a Firefox plugin like HttpRequester to test out my endpoints.MegaMatt
Few years later. Is this included in anyway?Michael Rountree

1 Answers


They don't seem to be supporting this yet. Still using sublime with HttpRequester plugin, it supports all cases https://github.com/braindamageinc/SublimeHttpRequester