
I'm using PyCharm Community Edition 4.0.4 and I'd like to set a default option for the scope of 'Find in Path'.

Currently, pressing Ctrl-Shift-F (the 'Find in Path' command) pops a window with 'All projects' selected, and I'd like to have 'Directory' with a custom directory set as the default instead. Here's a picture:

enter image description here

I searched the Settings for anything like this, but could not find it. Any help is appreciated.

Update: I've recently discovered that by right-clicking on my project folder and selecting "Find in Path ..." (I mean actually clicking the option), the scope is automatically set for the project directory! Strangely enough, the keyboard shortcut indicated in the drop-down menu from right-clicking the project folder is exactly the same as I use. Using the shortcut, however, yields the 'All projects' selection for Scope...

In any case, I still wish to set a default directory for the Find in Path dialog - preferably one that is consistently used regardless of how the dialog was invoked (shortcut, clicking drop-down option).

I thought it was ok to ask since neither is this, this, this, this, or this, and they were all ok, it seems.vmg
Not to mention there's a question almost exactly like this with 119 upvotes in the sidebar.vmg
The existence of off-topic questions is, as per the guidelines, not to be used as a justification for more off-topic questions. However I think this question is OK, since "programmers tools" questions are on-topic. If you want to add voting commentary though, please add that to the comments - it does not belong in questions. (The reason for this is most readers are not voters and any discussion about voting is just a distraction for them).halfer
@akalikin: You're wrong. IDE questions are on topic here, as they are tools commonly used by programmers. In fact, they're almost exclusively used by programmers, AFAICT. See the help center.Ken White
@KenWhite real programmers don't use IDEs, they use butterfly wings.Yakk - Adam Nevraumont

1 Answers


It seems this is the default behavior for the Intellij-like IDEs such as Pycharm.

As answered by the JetBrains support:

"We have related issue in YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-87037 Feel free to vote for it and leave comments."

I reproduce the text of the issue below, in case the link goes dead:

IDEA-87037 Usability: Find in Path -- NOT in Whole project

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Press Shift-Ctrl-F

What is the expected result? The dialog comes up with the previously selected Scope.

What happens instead? The dialog always comes up with "Whole project" selected.

After having selected "Directory" for the 257th time (and forgetting it one out of four times) I can't help thinking that this is really stupid and obnoxious software.

I want to search in the entire project maybe once out of 100 times. Why does PhpStorm keep insisting that I should search in the whole project?