Hi I have a small problem with the datestring. My data is in a matlab table with about 2 million rows. The time comes in the format DateStrings='2014-06-23T17:06:41.584+0200'. I would like to have it in datenum . So I thought I can convert it to datetime using the following code and then convert it to datenum.
t = datetime(DateStrings,'InputFormat','uuuu-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:SSSSSXXX','TimeZone','UTC');
however this does not work. With the same error message"Unable to parse date/time string using the format 'uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:SSSSSXXX'. I tried for a few strings to remove the miliseconds and then to code works. I dont really need the milliseconds so I was thinking to split the string and remove the milliseconds. However there comes the problem with the amount of data and I run into memory problems. Does anybody know how to do this in a smart way. kind regards Matthias