I have created a custom module in magento named vendor Complaints. Here Vendor user can send a mail about his complaints to admin and admin can send a reply mail to that particular vendor user. So I have created 2 different mail templates, But I dont know how to send for both at a time.
Now I have completed sending reply email to vendor user, but I have not done sending mail to admin user.
My code for sending reply mail to vendor user:
/**sending email*/
$emailTemplate = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadDefault('vendor_complaints_email_template');
//Getting the Store E-Mail Sender Name.
$senderName = Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/name');
//Getting the Store General E-Mail.
$senderEmail = Mage::getStoreConfig('trans_email/ident_general/email');
//Variables for Confirmation Mail.
$emailTemplateVariables = array();
$emailTemplateVariables['name'] = $customerName;
$emailTemplateVariables['email'] = $customerEmail;
//Appending the Custom Variables to Template.
$processedTemplate = $emailTemplate->getProcessedTemplate($emailTemplateVariables);
//Sending E-Mail to Customers.
$mail = Mage::getModel('core/email')
->setSubject('ShopU Store : Vendor Complaints')
//echo "<pre>";
//Confimation E-Mail Send
catch(Exception $error)
return false;
Can anyone tell me how to send mail to admin users also at a time???
Thanks in advance..