Recently I have added attributes to the product color and size. (configurable products) When we add to cart, and go to view cart then we see the products with attributes color and size.
I added shopping cart block in onepage checkout in app/design/frontend/smartwave/porto/layout/iwd_opc.xml
<reference name="content">
<block type="checkout/cart" name="checkout.cart" template="checkout/cart.phtml">
<block type="checkout/cart_coupon" name="" as="coupon" template="checkout/cart/coupon.phtml"/>
<block type="checkout/cart_totals" name="checkout.cart.totals" as="totals" template="checkout/cart/totals.phtml"/>
<block type="checkout/cart_sidebar" name="checkout.cart.sidebar" as="sidebar" template="checkout/cart/sidebar.phtml"/>
I get the following page after adding shopping cart layout to onepage cart
Now I am stuck here, how should I get the attributes name here? I have set attributes to be visible on frontend from backend as well.
Code to display products in the cart is on app/design/frontend/smartwave/porto/template/checkout/cart.phtml
<?php foreach($this->getItems() as $_item): ?>
<?php echo $this->getItemHtml($_item) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
Logic of the code is written over here: app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Block
public function getItems()
if ($this->getCustomItems()) {
return $this->getCustomItems();
return parent::getItems();
Another way of displaying the products to the cart is: But I dont want to use this code to display the list in the cart:
$cart = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote();
foreach ($cart->getAllItems() as $item) {
$productName = $item->getProduct()->getName();
$productPrice = $item->getProduct()->getPrice();
echo "Name: ".$productName." Price: ".$productPrice;
I have also tried to add attributes in xml file app/code/core/Mage/Sales/etc/config.xml
So I have just copied the block to the onepage checkout page, but I am not able to understand that why the onepage checkout page is not showing product's size and color ("/onepage/") and it is strange that color and sizes can be seen on checkout page ("checkout/cart/") Thanks in advance