I'm creating a Shopify store for a client who does not obviously know coding. He will need to update content on the website (and I have coded some pages with certain layouts (in the html part of the content) so when he types his content it often breaks our design)
As an alternative solution, I'm thinking of using the blog feature. I know Shopify lets us create a page with only a certain blog, but what it does is show up in the URL - as a ...blog/cocktails.
That is not good for the end user, because I merely want it to be a page that calls the blog articles from this blog. I'm unable to find a way to do it.
I tried replacing blog.content with blog['cocktail'].content and etc.. but it didn't do anything.
Alternatively are there any suggestions how you can design a page and let clients add their own content just by typing (for instances where its a list of recipes for example)?