
I want to install OpenShift using the advanced installation - method on Centos7 (EC2). But first I need to know some issues:

URL of tutorial: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.0/admin_guide/install/advanced_install.html#installing-ansible

First I need to configure the prerequisitions on the master and its 2 nodes (https://docs.openshift.org/latest/install_config/install/prerequisites.html). When that's done the advanced installation will start.

1) Do I have to install ansible on the master only and running the installer at the end or do I need to install anything on the node (except docker)?

2) Which steps do I have to follow here: https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible or just download the repo and following the tutorial.

3) Is there something necessary what needs to be installed or configured which is not cited?

Cloud/cluster computing != cluster-analysis (aka clustering; a data mining technique). Also, this question should be migrated to server-fault.Has QUIT--Anony-Mousse

1 Answers


You are correct to start with the prerequisite steps outlined in the origin documentation.

In particular,

  • Ensure that you've completed host preparation steps. These steps include packages that must be installed on every system.
  • Ensure that you've configured host access. The ansible installer uses ssh key authentication by default so you must be able to login to each system (including the master) from the master with ssh key authentication.
  • Ensure that the output of hostname -f outputs the correct hostname of each system.

Once you've finished with the prerequisite steps, you will move on to the advanced installation section. Steps for installing ansible and creating an ansible host inventory can be found here. You only need to install ansible on the master. Once you've installed ansible and created a host inventory you can run the ansible playbook to begin the installation.

Afterwards, you can verify the installation and then complete follow up items such as configuring authentication, creating a router and creating a docker registry.

If you encounter any problems with the advanced installer, create an issue with the openshift-ansible project.