
I'm new to Cassandra. I have 6 physical servers with a 2 data center Cassandra cluster running.


Server 1 DC1: rac1 Server 2 DC1: rac1 Server 3 DC1: rac1

Server 4 DC2: rac1 Server 5 DC2: rac1 Server 6 DC2: rac1

Can I use the same servers and run another Cassandra Cluster with different keyspace and tables? Do I need a separate Cassandra install? Would I use different ports for listen address, etc? Is this even feasable?

Want to create Cass_cluster_2

Server 1 DC1: rac1 Server 2 DC1: rac1 Server 3 DC1: rac1

Server 4 DC2: rac1 Server 5 DC2: rac1 Server 6 DC2: rac1

This grew out of managements desire to save money in the development environment. I have since told them it is not possible. Thanks for the responses.Mike De

2 Answers


You cannot run two Cassandra instances on the same server. Each Cassandra service uses fixed ports and no two instances can share a port.

The best way to load up multiple Cassandra instances on same server is to boot up multiple virtual machines and install Cassandra separately on each.


You can try this https://github.com/pcmanus/ccm. If saving cost is the major concern why don't you reduce the existing cluster to 1 data center and use other 3 nodes for new cluster