
I am trying to upload my laravel 5 project on Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at xxx.xx.x.xx Port 80.

When i browse my site using xxx.xx.x.xx/project/public , landing page is working fine.

But when i tried to log in , it throws this error ,

The requested URL xxx.xx.x.xx/project/public/auth/login was not found on this server.

but when i tried this xxx.xx.x.xx/project/public/index.php/auth/login it throws View [app] not found.

I tried using RewriteBase on htaccess file also edited public/index.php file and changed these following lines...

require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
to require __DIR__.'/../project/public/bootstrap/autoload.php';


$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';

to $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../project/public/bootstrap/app.php';

nothing is working!!

I know this one is older topic but i didn't find solution.

Looking for your suggestions.

Are you on shared hosting ?Khan Shahrukh

2 Answers


Which version of Laravel are you working on? I've got problem with auth on 5.1 LTS. No problem with standard configuration (never touched htaccess or config file).

I can suggest to try a new install with a new Laravel package on your server without modifications and see if it works.

This may help: Laravel 5.1 Authentication documentation


Try to enable Apache rewrite module. Run this in command line:

a2enmod rewrite

and don't forget to restart Apache after.

service apache2 restart