Im building a very custom CMS on top of Symfony CMF Components/Bundles. I read almost everything i could about the CMF Components/Bundles and i have the "architecture" kinda defined. Im experienced/familiarized with Symfony2 components.
The CMS should provide a way to manage multiple sites. A Site contains Pages. A Page, requires a title and may have content. A page can also have blocks associated(Those already provided by the Block Bundle, and others with custom functionality developed by me for the CMS).
For now i defined two Documents(Site and Page). Based on the application requirements im using the CoreBundle, BlockBundle, RoutingBundle, DoctrinePHPCRBundle, and DoctrinePHPCRAdminBundle.
Based on this requirements the expected Repository Tree should be something like:
/site1 ( nodename of the Site Document )
/pages ( all pages of this site )
/page1 ( nodename of a Page Document )
/routes ( all routes of this site )
The configurations for CoreBundle:
basepath: /sites
enabled: true
Because i need nodes(/pages, /routes) for each site, how can i initialize them? My first idea was onPostPersist event of a Site document i initialize the required nodes.
use PHPCR\Util\NodeHelper;
public function initSiteNodes(ManagerRegistry $registry, Site $site)
$session = $registry->getConnection();
NodeHelper::createPath($session, $site->getId()./pages);
NodeHelper::createPath($session, $site->getId()./routes);
So my questions are:
Is this architecture feasible and is SonataAdminBundle prepared for such a structure?