I'm completely new to DirectX (11) so this question will be extremely basic. Sorry about that.
I'd like to draw a cube on screen that has solid-coloured faces. All of the examples that I've seen have 8 vertices, with a colour defined at each vertex (red, green, blue). The pixel shader then interpolates between these vertices to give a spectrum of colours. This looks nice, but isn't what I'm trying to achieve. I'd just like a cube with six, coloured faces.
Two ideas come to mind:
- use 24 vertices, and have each vertex referenced only a single time, i.e. no sharing. This way I can define three different colours at each 3D position, one for each face.
- use a texture for each face that 'stretches' to give the face the correct colour. I'm not very familiar with textures right now, so not all that sure about this idea.
What's the typical/canonical way to achieve this effect? I'm sure this 'problem' has been solved many, many times before.