If you plan to subscribe more CloudWatch log data to a specific Kinesis stream than a single shard can handle, is it possible to scale your stream by adding multiple shards, and then to distribute the multiple CloudWatch log subscriptions across those shards?
The docs here kind of gloss over shard handling, referring only "shardId-000000000000".
The API docs (at least for the .NET SDK, anyway) suggest that a destination arn is specified when creating the subscription, but my understanding is that an arn can be no more specific than a Kinesis Stream, but I do not think individual shards are assigned arns.
Essentially, if you're planning on subscribing more CloudWatch data than a single shard can handle, is there a way to "scale up" your stream into a multi-shard stream (while using CloudWatch subscriptions and avoiding writing a custom client to process the data), or will it strictly be necessary to "scale out" into a multiple single-shard streams?