In a non Ember world I could put this in my document ready:
$("input").on("invalid", function(event) {
And then I would know that whenever a form is submitted, it would inturn fire the invalid event on invalid inputs and allow me to mark them as dirty for css purposes. I tried to do this in Ember in a component (in didInsertElement):
export default Ember.Component.extend({
didInsertElement: function() {
this.$('input, textarea').on('invalid', function() {
actions: {
keyDownAction: function(value, event) {
// Mark input/textarea as dirty => {
this.$('input, textarea').addClass('isDirty');
if (this.get('keyDown')) {
this.sendAction('keyDown', value, event);
focusInAction: function(value, event) {
if (this.get('focusIn')) {
this.sendAction('focusIn', value, event);
focusOutAction: function(value, event) {
// Mark input/textarea as dirty => {
this.$('input, textarea').addClass('isDirty');
if (this.get('focusOut')) {
this.sendAction('focusOut', value, event);
{{input type=type value=value id=inputId class=inputClass name=name tabindex=tabindex autofocus=autofocus required=required list=list
min=min max=max step=step
key-down="keyDownAction" focus-in="focusInAction" focus-out="focusOutAction"}}
<span class="bar"></span>
<label class="{{if value 'text-present'}}">{{placeholder}}</label>
But my event isn't firing. Can I attach the ember input helper to the html5 invalid event?