I have mixed data type matrix Data_string size (947 x 41) that contain numeric and categorical attributes.
I produced a distance matrix (947 x 947) using the daisy() function and Gower distance measure in Rstudio.
d <- daisy(Data_String, metric = "gower", stand = FALSE,type = list(symm = c("V1","V13") , asymm = c("V8","V9","V10")))
I applied hierarchical Cluster using dissimilarity matrix (d).
# hclust
hc <- hclust(d, method="complete")
rect.hclust(hc, 4)
cut <- cutree(hc, k = 1:5)
d_as <- as.matrix(d)
DianaCluster <- diana(d_as, diss = TRUE, keep.diss = TRUE)
The following is the plots I had.
** Note: I couldn't upload the image here since I do not have enough reputation's points.
I am struggling to understand the results, can anyone please
1- suggest any solution that I can apply in R to simplify the understanding of my results.
2- how I can link it to my source data, since all the results are based on the dissimilarity matrix.