
I am trying to compare a java object value in mule expression as below,

#[message.EventHandlerMessage.eventId == 'SEND_NOTIFICATION']

The above expression fails with Execution of the expression "message.EventHandlerMessage.eventId == 'SEND_IMEX'" failed. (org.mule.api.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException). Message payload is of type: EventHandlerMessage (org.mule.api.MessagingException)

java object content with Logger component

LoggerMessageProcessor- INFO - - - message="EventHandlerMessage [refId=10002, eventId=SEND_NOTIFICATION, eventRefNo=10000000001212]"

how do i compare the eventid in Eventhandler message with mule expression?

I'm confused about that log. Is that logging the payload? Can you try #[payload.message.eventId]?Avanaur
Are you trying to compare in a choice component?Satheesh Kumar

2 Answers


Why your error is showing "message.EventHandlerMessage.eventId == 'SEND_IMEX'" when your comparing like #[message.EventHandlerMessage.eventId == 'SEND_NOTIFICATION'].

Before trying to compare, try to print the value using MEL and see if it is printing then you can compare.


There will be no property message.EventHandlerMessage on the message context. Here are the properties you can access on message: http://www.mulesoft.org/docs/site/current3/apidocs/org/mule/el/context/MessageContext.html

If your payload is an instance of EventHandlerMessage.class try using this instead:
