I am trying to figure out how to get the unsat core using the Java API for Z3. Our scenario is as follows (code is underneath, which works in rise4fun):
- We create the SMT2 input programtically
- The input contains function definitions, datatype declarations, and assertions
- We parse this using the parseSMTLIB2String API
- We ensure that the context and the solver have unsat_core -> true
- Z3 returns UNSAT for the provided input, which is correct
- The UNSAT core is always empty though.
- The same input produces an UNSAT core correctly on rise4fun (x1 x3)
I am guessing I am misusing the API somehow... but not quite sure how/why.
I have noticed that I cannot set the unsat core option in the SMT string that I pass to parseSMTLIB2String, because that is not allowed. I am guessing that is expected.
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
(set-option :smt.macro-finder true)
;; The following is only for rise4fun, i cannot get it
;; to work with the parse SMT Java API
(set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)
(define-sort Ref () Int)
(declare-datatypes (T1 T2) ((Tuple2 (mk-Tuple2 (_1 T1)(_2 T2)))))
(declare-datatypes (T1 T2 T3) ((Tuple3 (mk-Tuple3 (_1 T1)(_2 T2)(_3 T3)))))
(define-sort Set (T) (Array T Bool))
(define-sort Bag (T) (Array T Int))
(declare-const emptySetOf_Int (Set Int))
(assert (!(forall ((x Int)) (= (select emptySetOf_Int x) false)) :named AXIOM1))
(declare-sort TopLevelDeclarations) (declare-const mk-TopLevelDeclarations TopLevelDeclarations)
(declare-datatypes () ((A (mk-A (x Int)(y Int)))))
(declare-datatypes () ((Any
(lift-TopLevelDeclarations (sel-TopLevelDeclarations TopLevelDeclarations))
(lift-A (sel-A A))
(declare-const heap (Array Ref Any))
(define-fun deref ((ref Ref)) Any
(select heap ref)
(define-fun deref-is-TopLevelDeclarations ((this Ref)) Bool
(is-lift-TopLevelDeclarations (deref this))
(define-fun deref-TopLevelDeclarations ((this Ref)) TopLevelDeclarations
(sel-TopLevelDeclarations (deref this))
(define-fun deref-is-A ((this Ref)) Bool
(is-lift-A (deref this))
(define-fun deref-A ((this Ref)) A
(sel-A (deref this))
(define-fun deref-isa-TopLevelDeclarations ((this Ref)) Bool
(deref-is-TopLevelDeclarations this)
(define-fun deref-isa-A ((this Ref)) Bool
(deref-is-A this)
(define-fun A!x ((this Ref)) Int
(x (deref-A this))
(define-fun A!y ((this Ref)) Int
(y (deref-A this))
(define-fun TopLevelDeclarations.inv ((this Ref)) Bool
(assert (! (forall ((this Ref))
(=> (deref-is-TopLevelDeclarations this) (TopLevelDeclarations.inv this))
) :named x0))
(define-fun A.inv ((this Ref)) Bool
(> (A!x this) 0)
(> (A!y this) 0)
(< (A!x this) 0)
(assert (! (forall ((this Ref))
(=> (deref-is-A this) (A.inv this))
) :named x1))
(assert (!(deref-is-TopLevelDeclarations 0) :named TOP))
(assert (!(exists ((instanceOfA Ref)) (deref-is-A instanceOfA)) :named x3))