
I am getting an Issue when trying to fetch the events from Office 365 Calendar The issue is that I am able to fetch only 10 Events and eventsResult.MorePagesAvailable is always false

I have more than 50 meetings in a month and the eventsResult is fetching only 10

Code to fetch Events :-

 var eventSource = service.Me.Calendar.Events;

 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(calendarId))
  eventSource = service.Me.Calendars[calendarId].GetCalendarView(lowerBounday, upperBoundary);
   // lowerBounday - Start Date for fetching events from calendar
   // upperBoundary - End Date for fetching events from calendar

  var eventsResult = await (from i in eventSource orderby i.Start select i).ExecuteAsync();

Same issue is coming for fetching all Calendars I have more the 10 calendars in Office 365 but still getting only 10 with MorePagesAvailable as false. Code to fetch All Calendars :-

 var allCalendars = await service.Me.Calendars.ExecuteAsync();
 bool checkNextPage = false;
  if (checkNextPage && allCalendars.MorePagesAvailable)
   allCalendars = await allCalendars.GetNextPageAsync();
  foreach (ICalendar calendar in allCalendars.CurrentPage)
   lock (calendars)
    calendars.Add(new CalendarData(calendar.Name, calendar.Id)
     HasWriteAccess = true,
     IsFreeBusy = true
   checkNextPage = true;
 } while(allCalendars.MorePagesAvailable)

We are using Microsoft.Office365 DLL's version 1.0.35 for this code. It was working fine till 10-sept-2015. Is there anything changed with API or we are missing something? Any help would be really appreciated.

Hmm, looks like there's no @odata.nextLink being returned in the response. Let me see what I can find out.Jason Johnston

2 Answers


Turns out this is a know issue that our engineers are working on. Sorry for the inconvenience!

UPDATE: The fix is in the pipeline. I'm seeing the @odata.nextLink in responses on my tenants, so it looks like it's hitting servers in production.
