
I am trying to stream Audio to a bluetooth device in-code in C#. I've picked up the 32feet.net library to help with this. I am able to get a bluetooth speaker paired just fine, and then I use the code below to connect to the device.

    globalClient.BeginConnect(device.DeviceAddress, BluetoothService.SerialPort, new AsyncCallback(BluetoothConnectedAsyncHandler), device);

Async Callback method:

    private void BluetoothConnectedAsyncHandler(IAsyncResult result)
        BluetoothDeviceInfo connectedDevice = (BluetoothDeviceInfo)result.AsyncState;


        if (result.IsCompleted)
            NetworkStream btStream = globalClient.GetStream();

This all works well, but when I try to set the service from BluetoothService.SerialPort to BluetoothService.AudioSource, then I receive a SocketException on the "globalClient.EndConnect(result);" line saying "A socket operation failed because the destination host was down". See screenshot:

Socket Exception

I've also tried to throw data at the speaker through the NetworkStream when it is setup with BluetoothService.SerialPort, but it doesn't play anything - no noise or static.

My running hypothesis is that this can't be done easily with 32feet.net, and I would have to code up the a2dp spec in code. I think the 32feet.net library is used so that I can tell the Operating System to use the speaker as an output device, rather than control audio output in-code as a supported feature.

Please help! Has anyone done this?

Would it even work if I sent an a2dp compliant stream to the device over the BluetoothService.SerialPort connection?

A2DP spec: https://www.bluetooth.org/docman/handlers/DownloadDoc.ashx?doc_id=8236

Thanks for any help!

Were you able to find a way to send audio over Bluetooth to a speaker?Oleg
No, see the update belowTheJeff

1 Answers



This isn't possible within the 32feet.net library, you can only set the device up to talk the the Microsoft audio service using the setService method call in 32feet.net


This MS service manages the A2DP output to the device. There is no way to directly output audio from code into the Bluetooth Device using this library in C#.